Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our next stop was just 40 miles north – Isla San Francisco. This island is also part of the nature preserve and we actually had some local rangers stop by our boat to collect our fees allowing us to go ashore. One of the most photographed anchorages in all of the Sea of Cortez is on this island. It is affectionately referred to as – The HOOK, as it does resemble a hook when you climb up the mountains and see it from up high. It is very protected and for us made a great stop to go hike and explore. On the way there we ran into our friends on Black Dragon who were on their way back to La Paz to drop their friends off. I have to say that this one of the prettiest places we stayed and lived up to all the hype it gets in all the guides we read.

Finding Black Dragon at Sea
Passing Black Dragon up close and personal

Phil driving the boat to Isla San Franciso
What Ryan normally does while we're sailing

There is always time, no matter where we are to make brownies.  They sure do taste good on a boat.
Hiking up the hill in The Hook - Zoom off

Same picture with the zoom on

Mom and Dad trying to catch up to the kids who are already at the top of the hill
The view from the top.  Sabbatical is in the center of the anchorage.  If only I had a panoramic camera I could have gotten the whole Hook.

Sabbatical in the Hook

Phil, Kelly and Ryan near the top

Kelly and Ryan making their way across the ridge line

Dad made it to the top

The other side of the island as seen from the top

One of the varieties of cactus living on the islan

Kelly and Ryan with the cairns they built to mark the trail we took down

Phil and the kids walking on the salt flats

The salt pond up close

Salt sure does look like ice

More salt sculptures

An ice pond

Phil and the kids touching the salt

Looking for more shells on the beach

Look what I found mom!

What is truly amazing is that there were not many boats in the anchorage but while we were ashore exploring we ran into a family from of all places – Manhattan Beach. Their daughters go to school at American Martyrs with the Phillips kids who live on our street. It is a VERY small world.

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